Burkina Faso is among the lowest income countries with a population of over 20 million, increasing at the rate of 3% annually while 40% population living under the poverty line in a landlocked country in West Africa. Its economy has reflected a considerable growth in the last 10 to 15 years that’s trailing around 6% annually while it's entirely dependent on Agriculture, Livestock, and Forestry along with income from exploiting mineral resources. Agriculture contributes around 30% in the country’s GDP that employs over 90% workforce in rural Burkina Faso. The sector dominates small farmers possessing less than 5 hectares on average that produce cotton, maize & millets. Maize contributes the biggest volumes whereas Cotton the maximum revenues for the country and stands leading crop in production and export among Africa. The cereals make up the living of rural populations while urban populations choose Rice & Maize. Poverty persists more in rural areas compared to the urban despite more than 1 decade of sustainable growth for the reason country still stands 183rd in the poverty list among 186 countries.
Sustainability in Agriculture:
As the country has been in severe shocks due to climate change and economic factors such as floods, drought, fuel prices hikes and triggered by the worsening cotton trade and population hikes that need to be addressed by the International Donors, NGO’s, Government Organization and Local influencers to make accurate measures for the correction of economy on the long-term basis.
We at Burkina Faso, together with our Internation donors, NGO’s, Ministry of Agriculture together with their experts and professionals , have similar motives for the small farming communities to help them identify the causes for not achieving the sustainable growth and to provide them with guidelines & training that will assist them to achieve sustainability and the continuous improvement in the field of Agriculture along with sustainable measures to fight the impacts of climate change in the country.
Considering Agriculture a major contributor in streamlining the country’s economy and boosting the GDP of Burkina Faso we believe that education & training will bring a positive change in the lives of the small farmers whether they have their focus on agriculture farming, livestock or allied agriculture business.
As we are for behind in our average yield of common cereal and cash crops from the Africa and rest of the world that stands 4-5 tonnes for maize in Africa while rest of the world produces up to 10 tonnes per hectare whereas we struggled to produce 2 tonnes per hectare despite 25% increase in Maize yields in 2018. Similarly for Cotton, we could hardly produce 1.3 million bales in the year 2017 that stands 333 kg per hectare compared to the world yield around 3000 kg’s hectare and lost our national status for standing no.1 in the region just because of the heavy pest infestations especially cotton bollworms and sucking pests. Other prominent reasons that figured out were the banning of BT Cotton and poor knowledge on the insect pest behavior and lack in the training, technique and proper insecticides to control such pest infestation on conventional varieties in Burkina Faso despite its cultivation on 700000 hectares.
Impacts of Climate Change on Sustainability:
The weather of the country is categorized by pointedly fluctuating levels of rainfall with a clear indication in the rainfall decline from south to north causing an increase in temperatures and severity in the climate patterns for every coming year. Agriculture farming is a type of business that is open to natural calamities whereas climate change is among the list of such calamities that disrupts water resources and forests and on top of the list is general Agriculture. An agriculture-dependent economy may have serious penalties in the shape of droughts, floods, and desertification that may lead to food insecurity, price hikes reversing the country's economy.
Identified issues in Agriculture Sustainability:
Generally, diving deeply into the causes that hinder the process of sustainability or slow it down from the desired pace at least, we may conclude;
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